By the numbers:

1,300 members
92% of members are located within Linn County
73% of members employ less than 25 staff members

At a Glance 2011-2012

About Us
The Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce has been building a stronger economy and a better business community for over a century. With more than 1,300 members employing over 75,000 people, the Chamber’s goal is to make this a vibrant place to live, work and play. 

The Chamber is the leader of economic and community initiatives and improvement in Linn County.

Our Mission
The Chamber is the catalyst to promote economic vitality and quality of life in Linn County.

Programs & Services

Priorities & Goals
Membership: The Chamber will represent the interests of its members.
Community Enhancement: The Chamber will be a leader in community enhancement activities.
Government Affairs: The Chamber will influence legislative initiatives and public policy development.
Economic Development: The Chamber will be a leader in economic development initiatives.
